Inteegrity Solutions - Date posted: 07 Dec 2013
Job Description: Sales Associate- Sales Associates areresponsible for prospecting customers. He is also responsible for finalizing the painting system with the customer, Ensuring that correct measurements of the site are taken, Giving estimates to thecustomer, getting the Painting Estimate (PE) signed from the customer and collection of payments RelationshipAssociate -RelationshipAssociate is responsible for managing painting work undertaken at the site. And ensuring the quality and speed of thework. He coordinates with the painting contractor, dealer, customer and office and ensures a smooth execution of the job. The Relationship Associate is also responsible for managing customer concerns. Handling complaints during the job and post completion of the job and ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the service provided by APHS...
Job Description: Sales Associate- Sales Associates areresponsible for prospecting customers. He is also responsible for finalizing the painting system with the customer, Ensuring that correct measurements of the site are taken, Giving estimates to thecustomer, getting the Painting Estimate (PE) signed from the customer and collection of payments RelationshipAssociate -RelationshipAssociate is responsible for managing painting work undertaken at the site. And ensuring the quality and speed of thework. He coordinates with the painting contractor, dealer, customer and office and ensures a smooth execution of the job. The Relationship Associate is also responsible for managing customer concerns. Handling complaints during the job and post completion of the job and ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the service provided by APHS...